Our Story
For more than a century, in a small town, a family has collected and preserved some of the world’s most exceptional cars. The Demers Car Collection was built over three generations of hard working men whose dedication to the preservation of exceptional automobiles can only be described as a mad dream.
For a long time, the collection’s doors were closed to the public and only a privileged few have had the chance to admire this immense heritage.
Currus dreems
Currus Dreems was born of the Demers brothers’ desire to share with the world a piece of humankind’s history. The dream of travel has fascinated and continues to fascinate humans throughout the world. The advent of the automobile revolutionized personal travel and created new dreams: Dreams of speed, dreams of luxury, dreams of mechanical perfection, dreams of freedom, dreams of pushing our own limits to see what’s possible.
Currus, is a latin word for chariot or car. Obviously, there were no automobiles driving around in the Roman Empire, but another possible translation of “currus” is that of a triumphal car, the kind used in parades and military demonstrations. This is the meaning we attach to Currus, the Demers Car Collection is full of exceptional cars, the beauty and grandeur of which begs to be paraded and displayed.

Dreems is actually an anagram of Demers. We thought that it was fitting because of its close phonetic resemblance to “dreams.” Throughout the years, the Demers brothers have shown their collection to select members of the public in the hopes of making them dream. Especially, the owners wish that they can inspire youths to strive for greatness, to push the imaginary limits we put on ourselves and to achieve the impossible.
It took quite a lot of foresight for grandfather Demers to start collecting cars all these years back, and equally as much dedication to continue acquiring and preserving them today. The result is unexpected: an ordinary family garding one of the world’s greatest private car collections! By sharing it, the Demers brothers hope that it will inspire the viewers to go further, to strive for the unexpected, because no dream is impossible.
Together, “Currus Dreems” loosely means “dreams of cars,” but can also be interpreted as “dream cars,” which combines the Demers’ family mission, the different carmakers ambitions and the public’s fascination with cars.
At Currus Dreems, we try our best to share what we know about our cars. However, the reporting of history can be quite challenging. Some of the cars in our collection were rare even at the time of their production. Often, official records are lost, destroyed or unavailable. Sometimes, different sources of information contradict each other. Sometimes, we rely on oral history. The more specific we want to get, the harder it is to find verifiable information. Taking into consideration all these limitations, in order to keep sharing the collection and our knowledge we do our best to be transparent about what we know and what we don’t know.
We understand, and hope you do too, that some of the information we share may be inaccurate. We will do our best to correct any misinformation as soon as we are made aware of them. We welcome any constructive feedback and additional information from the public. If you have something to contribute, please reach out to us through the contact form.