Dream cars and dreams of cars

Henry Ford
The Automotive Dream “One man and his dream had not simply left the world with an engine and four wheels; Henry Ford and his Model T had influenced people's everyday lives - where they lived, how they spent their leisure time, even how they viewed themselves.” - Gary...
Lagonda 16/80 Special Six 1933
English Touring The car we present to you this week is the Lagonda 16/80 Special Six in the Demers Car Collection. Lagonda was a luxury British car brand that Aston Martin eventually absorbed. Through its association with Aston Martin, it is sometimes hard to remember...
An Introduction to Lagonda
Before Aston Martin “The history of Lagonda cars is synonymous with sophistication, opulence, and groundbreaking performance” - An article for Discovery UK Today, we may recognize the name Lagonda from its association with Aston Martin. Before these two brands...
Cadillac Model A 1903
The Standard of the World “No other American car on the market in the first decade of the century was constructed to higher standards than Cadillac.” - Stephen W. Sears in The Automobile in America Some of you may know that Cadillac has long had the slogan “Standard...
The Electric Starter
From the Crank to the Electric Starter “Notwithstanding the hilarious grandiosity of marketing materials from the early 20th century, many people believe the starter motor was the single car part that most transformed the automobile from a luxury fascination to...
Duesenberg Model J
The Best of America’s Best “Fred Duesenberg’s brain and E.L. Cord’s money produced what they-and many others-called with no exaggeration “the world’s finest motor car”” Richard M. Langworth in The Great American Convertible Although the name sounds German, the...
The Cars of The Great Gatsby
What to Drive in the 1920s? “The parties were bigger, the pace was faster, the buildings were higher, and the morals were looser”. No writer has ever so succinctly captured the 1920s’ zeitgeist as did the American writer F. Scott Fitzgerald.” - Ching Yee Lin for The...